Inside My Mind

The crazy life of a theatre major at a small southern college!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I'm Back!

Ok so A LOT has gone on since my last post. Like 2 years I think. I am currently a sophomore in college in NC and a theatre major. I'm going to try and write here at least once a week about the crazy happenings of life as a college student. My favorite time of day is around 5PM. This when my friends and I go to the caf and eat. We are pretty much just one big dysfunctional family. Most of the people are either a theatre major, a clogger, or in the same fraternity together. We can fit about 15-20 people at our little circle table by the door. You really never know what the conversation will be like at our table. It could be anywhere from trying to figure out what a word means to a sex ed convo. You will not leave the table without laughing your rear off! Usually at some point, some sort of food fight happens and one of the guys tries to throw something at another one of the guys. Another of my favorite times is during theatre lab. My theatre lab class is on Wednesdays from 3 to 5. We usually just paint sets in our class because there is only 6 of us in the class. I LOVE this class, even though I'm not very good at anything we ever do in that class. Everyone in lab is also a part of our table in the caf. We sing a lot in lab. Like today we sang turkey carols, they're like Christmas carols but they're about Thanksgiving. Our first production this year was A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum. During labs for that show we made up our own version called A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Farm. It included songs called Everybody Outta Have A Cow, Bring Me My Pitchfork, and many others. Oh fun times in lab. I do love my big dysfunctional theatre family very much. I can't wait to see what crazy adventures will happen the rest of the semester!

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Camera!

I finally bought a new digital camera yesterday! I figured I would need one camp. Here are some pics from making smores last night, hopefully they will upload!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Little Red Show

So as most of you know from my previous entry i'm going to Mars Hill in the fall. I'm going to be in the theater program. I've started talking to some of the theater people up there now and came across this

Its a webshow done by courtney, one of the theater girls at mars hill, and its pretty much amazing. i've been spending hours watching it. so ya you should go watch the little red show!

Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Official!

So it's official, I am moving to Columbia at the end of May! I am so excited for this opportunity. God totally opened some doors for me this summer and I was offered a job at Camp La Vida! I get to spend my summer haging out with awesome girls from all over the state, who could ask for a better job! In ther news i'm going up to Mars Hill on Friday to make my final decision. I really want to go there. This is a very hard decision for me since my boyfriend goes to NGU! I'm pretty sure I will be moving to NC in the fall though. Life is definately crazy and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me!

I'm Back!

So after spending the past few days reading tons of blogs i thought i would get back to writing my own. Hopefully I will be able to keep with it this time! I'll be back later today to tell you whats going on in my life right now!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Why you shouldn't stick straws up your nose!

We went to Total Ministries on Monday, which was amazing! Well so afterwards we decided to go eat lunch at McDonalds. So we all got in Melanie's car and went to the wal mart mcdonalds. We we're eating and taking pictures of random things. So Rachel has these straws and i'm like stick them up your nose so we can take a picture of it. Of course she says no, so i'm like i'll do it if you do it. So she's like ok, so i proceed to stick 2 straws up my nose, well Susan is like it'll be funny when Jesse comes out here and you have straws up your nose. Guess who walked out, Jesse, so i turned around, with the straws still up my nose, and when i turned around i hit the end of the straw on the table. So i ended up with a bloody nose which still hurts because there is a cut there. So for all of you who read this always remember don't stick straws up your nose! Oh and phone to Melanie: tell Clay to stick a straw up his nose!

Monday, July 24, 2006

My weekend!

So I think I may go crazy! Myspace has been down for like 2 days now, which means I haven't been able to talk to anyone or do pretty much any kind of work! So now I am off to do better things and serve people. Just for all f you who read this, i never make any sense and i kinda talk about all different kinds of things, so sorry! I learned yesterday that compassion is a dirty word, which took me forever to figure out what that means! So i'm really excited to find out first hand what that means, since this is mission week i guess i'll get to find out. Last night i found out that i'm a coach for the purple team at church next week! I'm very excited about that! oh ya, phone to Melanie: your team is going down, now hang up the phone cause you have to be at church in an hour! So hopefully we'll have some awesome kids who like to compete on our team, but then again it is all about fun and how messy you get! I went to a Half Mile Marathon concert on Saturday, it was in the middle of nowhere. You had to drive down these roads and the whole way you're thinking please come out somewhere, or you see a bridge ices before road and you hope that theres still a bridge there. Well I finally found the place. The concert was amazing but I think i had more fun after it. We went outside and it was raining but there was the most beautiful lightning i had ever seen, it makes you go wow my God is amazing, he's the coolest ever cause he can make that! I don't know which was funnier, the girls going crazy because Joey hugged them or the girls going crazy because they got him to sign the drumsticks. So I guess you can say I had a pretty normal weekend, for me at least! So i'm going to go get ready for our mission day! I'll be back later to tell you all about mission week!

Friday, July 21, 2006

My first blog!

So I decided i'd actually do this so I could comment Melanie, but now that I have it maybe i'll actually post some stuff! I'm not a very interesting person so i really don't know what to say here. I'll think about it and come back later and post again!